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Digitalisation impacts all aspects of a business and requires gradually building up new capabilities to continually challenge existing business models and seek out new ones.

Contact us for your digital needs

A balanced approach

At Cordial, we believe in a balanced approach to digitalisation. To think big but to start small, to make well-reasoned decisions without losing momentum, and to think long-term while starting in the here and now! Our broad experience derives from industries that felt the earliest effects of digitalisation, and we support their development of new business models to ensure survival. Cordial brings execution power to every step of your digitalisation journey, from understanding the current landscape to forging a direction to securing the planning and implementation.


Our services

What does your organisation need to develop? Within the area of digitalisation, you can get insights and advice on several aspects of growth and evolution. No need to define all your needs and solutions beforehand. Contact us to talk more about how Cordial can help!

Data-driven business development

As Werner von Siemens once said, “to measure is to know.” And measuring remains a vital element of modern business development. The ability to make decisions rooted in facts and reliable metrics depends on IT systems registering and presenting accurate and relevant data points. With Cordial, you get expert collaborators to help you determine which data points need setting up and how to translate those into key insights for your business. This applies in strengthening your ongoing operations as well as preparing for any decisions about further growth and development.

Digital assessment

The first step to effectively digitalise any segment of a business is to take stock and understand both the business and the organisation that runs it. Together with Cordial’s advisors, you examine the digital maturity of the business and identify where the greatest potential lies. Spending enough time to discern where the efforts would have the most impact is always crucial, no matter whether you’re aiming for minor or major improvements. Digitalising a process is not about digitalising individual actions. Rather, it’s about redesigning the process to gain the greatest benefit from digital tools.

Digital transformation design

Cordial believes that a digital strategy is integral to a business strategy, not a separate entity that lives its own life on the side. As a customer, you have access to a comprehensive toolbox that lets you harness the potential of digitalisation and anchor that potential in business strategy, giving you direction and guidance moving forward. That includes collaborating on a strategy to make digitalisation a natural part of your business’s vision and objective for the future.

Digital transformation execution

Implementing a digital transformation requires the ability to move between all levels of the transformation plan, right down to the details of the IT solution that constitute the digitalisation. Our team has the necessary knowledge to unify, coordinate, and communicate those details with the operational management guiding the transformation plan. We assist you in digitising your operations and achieving your goals, regardless whether the aim is to increase quality, improve efficiency, or reach new markets.

Agile Business Development

Taking an agile approach to business development does not mean operating with a two-week planning horizon. Rather, it’s about finding the balance between high-level planning towards a target objective while only implementing that plan in small iterative steps, each of which creates value and brings the company closer to the target. You can receive help with mapping your current situation, defining your target objective, and detailing your transformation plan all the way from goal-setting to following up on the effects.

Let’s talk!

Contact us to learn more about how we can advise you in your digitalisation journey.

Johan Söderberg
Senior Manager, Digitalisation
Phone: 08 723 87 00
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